Re: [ROOT] TGraph to file

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri May 24 2002 - 17:43:13 MEST

Hi Dimitris,

Only TH1 and TTree objects are automatically registered to
gDirectory->GetList(). TGraphs are not.

You can register any TObject derived object (eg TGraph) to this list with a
statement like
where TGraph *mygraph is an already existing TGraph.

You can replace your saveAll function with
This statement will write all objects registered in the directory.

To see the list of objects in a directory, do
  dir->ls(), eg gDirectory->ls();

Rene Brun

Dimitris Sideris wrote:
>    Part 1.1       Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>               Encoding: quoted-printable

when I try to save all root objects to a file, any TGraphs I have created do not
appear in the list (see below). I also don't understand how root represents
TGraphs internally, e.g. a histogram has a unique name in a string. This name
appears as the object identifyer when you ls() a file. How would a tgraph


void SaveAll()

// TObject * obj;

// TIter *AllClassesList = new TIter(root.GetListOfClasses());
 CString cstr;

  TList *AllClassesList = gDirectory->GetList();
 TObject *obj;
 TH1F *h;

 int k=0;

  printf("listing objects...\n");

 TIter next(AllClassesList);

 int size=AllClassesList->GetSize();
 int i=0;

 while((obj = (TObject*) next())) 
//   if (obj->InheritsFrom("TH1") || obj->InheritsFrom("TH2") ||
//   {
    printf("Writing %s (%s)...\n",obj->GetName(), obj->GetTitle());
//   }



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