[ROOT] update on histograms

From: Frederic Villeneuve-Seguier (villeneu@cppm.in2p3.fr)
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 19:18:14 MEST

Hi all,

 I want to study a large number of root files and I can't chain them.
So I study files one by one.
FOr somme coding reason, I need to apply a class inherited from a
MakeClass() on each of the files.
What I'm trying to do is :
I open in the "update" mode, the file where I store the results of my
studies. Then I declare (if it's the first time) or I "point at"
the histograms and fill/update them.
I use this in a C++ standalone mode.

At the moment the file with the results is empty, and it seems that
the histograms aren't detected. I coded it this way :

  //--- Check if histos exists
  TFile * f = TFile::Open("TriggStudies.root");
  TH1F * check = NULL;
  check = (TH1F * ) f->Get("sJ_nev_mu");
  cout << "check = " << check << endl;
  if (check == NULL) {
    //--- Histograms Creation
    cout << "| [#] Create Histograms for Trigger Studies" << endl;
    diJets_Nevts_mu = new TH1F("sJ_nev_mu","N evt vs Pt of Jet - L1 mu",75,0,150);
  } else {
    diJets_Nevts_mu = (TH1F * ) f->Get("sJ_nev_mu");

the problem I have is that data files after data files, the "check"
pointer is everytime empty.

Does someone has an idea on what could be the source of this problem ?

In an other way of saying that, Is it possible to fill histograms in a
root file, close it, then reopen this file, update the histograms
and re-close it again, and so on ... ?

many thanks,
take care,

| Frederic Villeneuve-Seguier         PHD - D0 experiment |
|                                                         |
| Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille          |
| 163, avenue de Luminy 13288                             |
| Marseille Cedex 09                                      |
| France                                                  |
| Tel : 33 (0)4 91 82 76 13                               |
| Fax : 33 (0)4 91 82 72 99                               |
| e-mail: villeneuve@cppm.in2p3.fr                        |
| homepage: http://marwww.in2p3.fr/~villeneu	          |

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