Re: [ROOT] 2 questions about Histogram in Memory ?

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 21:23:22 MEST

Hi Fred,

What you do is nearly correct, except that you MUST cast

 root [1] TH1 *myHist = (TH1*)f->Get("myHist");

Rene Brun

On Thu, 30 May 2002, Frederic Sarazin wrote:

> Dear ROOTers,
> I want to retrieve myHist and keep it in memory
> EXACTLY as it was on disk.
> Please consider the following example:
> root [0] TFile *f = new TFile("test.root")
> root [1] TH1 *myHist = f->Get("myHist")
> root [2] myHist->SetDirectory(0)
> root [3] f->Close()
> I want this part to be treated by my GUI. The user selects
> a histogram on disk and decide to transfer it into memory.
> The problem is at root[1]...
> I have two questions...
> 1 - Is it possible to "dynamically" cast *myHist with its
> true class (in C++)?
> 2 - in this example, I create a new pointer which happens to have
> the same name than myHist... my GUI would need to
> create the pointer with the same name than the one on disk.
> Is it possible ? Is there a way to really keep an exact copy of
> myHist in memory when f is closed (same pointer name) ?
> Thanks for your help and thoughts,
> Fred

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