Hi ROOTers, I would like to fit the data using lognormal distributiuon and I wrote attached macro. But, I alwasy got failure until I try to fit 3 times. As shown below, in 3 times, I got something good results. However, if I change value of npars, which is argument of macro, for example, to 4 or 2, I succeeded in fitting the histogram a time. Why ? I use ROOT v 3.03/05 and g++ 2.95.2 on IRIX 64. Harufumi Tsuchiya -------------------------------------------------------- root [0] .x LogNormal2.cpp() <------ (first try) 200 FCN=8096.26 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 555 CALLS 556 TOTAL EDM=2.13927e-07 STRATEGY= 1 ERR MATRIX NOT POS-DEF EXT PARAMETER APPROXIMATE STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 p0 1.02155e+01 3.06869e+00 1.02872e-02 -2.64182e-03 2 p1 8.28982e+05 3.63901e+07 2.54515e+02 2.29469e-10 3 p2 9.99117e+06 9.57300e+07 2.54515e+02 -1.94306e-11 Chi2 and dof = 8096.26 184 <---- wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Probability 0 root [1] .x LogNormal2.cpp() <------- (second try) Warning in <TH1::Build>: Replacing existing histogram: hl (Potential memory leak). Warning in <TH1::Build>: Replacing existing histogram: hl2 (Potential memory leak). 200 FCN=8019.71 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 508 CALLS 509 TOTAL EDM=1.11024e-07 STRATEGY= 1 ERR MATRIX NOT POS-DEF EXT PARAMETER APPROXIMATE STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 p0 1.10649e+01 2.78345e+00 1.08733e-02 -1.87808e-03 2 p1 8.72864e+06 4.67588e+07 2.53309e+02 1.32604e-10 3 p2 3.70683e+07 2.19576e+08 2.53309e+02 -3.13716e-11 Chi2 and dof = 8019.71 181 <---- wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Probability 0 root [2] .x LogNormal2.cpp() <----- (third try) Warning in <TH1::Build>: Replacing existing histogram: hl (Potential memory leak). Warning in <TH1::Build>: Replacing existing histogram: hl2 (Potential memory leak). 200 FCN=199.661 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 469 CALLS 470 TOTAL EDM=1.99527e-07 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX UNCERTAINTY 2.2 per cent EXT PARAMETER STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 p0 1.18611e+02 1.45605e+00 1.39037e-02 -1.25445e-04 2 p1 1.49387e+00 5.31796e-03 -7.32891e-06 -1.45410e-01 3 p2 4.96796e-01 3.59119e-03 -3.15101e-05 -9.75802e-02 Chi2 and dof = 199.661 185 <---- something good !! Probability 0.21847 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LogNormal2(const Int_t npars = 3) { const Int_t nbins = 200; Double_t x[npars], q; Double_t lx[npars], lq; Float_t xmin, xmax; xmin = 0; xmax = npars; TH1F *hl = new TH1F("hl", "hl", nbins, xmin, xmax); Int_t ndata = 0; Float_t xbins[nbins+1]; for ( Int_t i = 0; i < nbins; i++ ) { xbins[ndata] = xmin + (xmax-xmin)/nbins*Float_t(i); xbins[ndata] = 10**xbins[ndata]; ndata++; } TH1F *hl2 = new TH1F("hl2", "hl2", ndata-1, xbins); cout << ndata << endl; lq = 0.0; for ( Int_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { for ( Int_t j = 0; j < npars; j++ ) { lx[j] = gRandom->Rndm(i); x[j] = 10**lx[j]; lq += lx[j]; } q = 10**lq; // cout << q << " " << lq << endl; hl->Fill(lq); hl2->Fill(q); lq = 0.0; } gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 10, 10, 500, 500); hl->Draw(); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "", 300, 10, 500, 500); c2->SetLogx(); hl2->Draw(); // Define log gauss // Float_t l, h; l = 10**xmin; h = 10**xmax; TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1", "[0]*exp(-(log10(x) - [1])**2/(2*[2]**2))", l, h); Float_t par[3]; par[0] = 200; par[1] = TMath::Log10(300.0); par[2] = TMath::Log(100); f1->SetParameters(par[0], par[1], par[2]); hl2->Fit("f1", "R"); Double_t chi2; Int_t dof; chi2 = f1->GetChisquare(); dof = f1->GetNDF(); cout << "Chi2 and dof = " << chi2 << " " << dof << endl; cout << "Probability " << TMath::Prob(chi2, dof) << endl; }
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