Re: [ROOT] Alternative password file when using rootd with SRP?

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Fri Jun 14 2002 - 14:31:30 MEST

Hi Ulrik,

  both changes (optional SRP passwd file and port range) sound good to
me. If you could provide an implementation (preserving existing coding
style) then I would be very grateful.

Cheers, Fons.

> Dear Rooters,
> Would it be possible to implement in rootd an option that would tell rootd
> at startup time to read the encrypted password from a file different from
> the default $HOME/.srootdpass file used by SRP?
> For moving BaBar data around we would like to make a closed loop where a
> perl script creates a random password and starts up an instance of rootd.
> It then (through a ssh connection) transmits the password and port number
> to the remote end that subsequently connects to the rootd process. In this
> way the job can run as a cron job without a password being stored in any
> place.
> If a new perl script starts while the old one is still running we would
> like to start a new rootd on a new port number and with a different random
> password. In this way there is no need to store the random password
> anywhere and the whole thing can run in a cron job.
> Another nice possibility would be to have rootd pick an unoccopied port 
> number from a range like 
>   rootd -p 5150-5060
> and then return the picked number on stdout like ROOTD_PORT=5153 for 
> further processing by a caller.
> Please comment if these changes would be a good idea to implement or not? 
> Proposals for a better way to do this are also welcome.
> Best regards
>              Ulrik Egede.
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