Re: [ROOT] Clean up of TSelector objects

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sat Jun 15 2002 - 11:58:22 MEST

Hi Ben,

The TSelector object is automatically deleted by TTreePlayer::Process.
If you use gObjectTable->Print, you should see only the current/last
selector object, not more.

In your MakeChain script, instead of
  void MakeChain() {
 TChain *MakeChain() {
  ..  //build your chain
 return the pointer to the chain

Rene Brun

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Ben Morgan wrote:

> Hi ROOTers,
>            I have a small script that chains a user defined set of files 
> together, with the chain then being processed with code generated by 
> MakeSelector. The basic process is:
> root [4] MakeChain()
> root [5] EventCh->Process("TestSelec.C")
> Whilst this works well (I can remake the chain and reprocess without any 
> problem), I have two questions. Firstly, each call to EventCh->Process() 
> , whether using the same chain again or creating a new one, creates a new 
> TSelector object (visible in gObjectTable) which I don't 
> seem to be able to access to delete before remaking the chain; is there 
> any way to delete this before reprocessing the chain? I assume that 
> the TSelector object created is owned by 
> TChain or TTreePlayer, so I would have though that it would be 
> automatically deleted when I delete and remake the chain, but it doesn't 
> seem to be.
> Secondly, I need the chain to be available 
> outside of MakeChain(), and the only way to do this seems to be to 
> define a global pointer to the chain outside of MakeChain():
> TChain *EventCh;
> void MakeChain()
> {
> .....
> }
> I note from the ROOTtalk mailing list that there was a proposal to give 
> TChain a 'name' so that it could be retrieved from gDirectory.
> Was this implemented, as there doesn't seem to be anything in the 
> documentation on TChain that suggests it was.
> I'm using ROOT v3.02/07 on a Linux PC with RH7.1. Thanks,
> Ben Morgan.
> -- 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mr. Ben Morgan
> Postgraduate Student
> University of Sheffield
> Department of Physics & Astronomy
> Hicks Building
> Hounsfield Road
> Sheffield  S3 7RH
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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