[ROOT] Strange memory increasing around mkdir

From: Egon Pavlica (Egon.Pavlica@p-ng.si)
Date: Thu Jun 20 2002 - 16:14:49 MEST


it's like in hell here, since i cant found what is wrong. Does anybody 
know, why is the size of this program in memory 4k larger every cca 30 
calls? below is the code i suspect (by eliminating) that causes this 

 char jobid[256];

 if (!gDirectory->cd(jobid)) {
        //when this is done it increases memory
    gDirectory->mkdir(jobid);//<-i look angry at this

    cout<<"Directory "<<jobid<<" created!"<<endl;

Thanks for previous help!

Egon Pavlica e-mail:egon.pavlica@p-ng.si
Laboratory for epitaxy and nanostructures
Nova Gorica Polytechnic (www.p-ng.si)

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