[ROOT] Small feature request

From: Bardelli Luigi (bardelli@fi.infn.it)
Date: Tue Jun 25 2002 - 16:00:45 MEST

Dear rooters,
	I have a small (I hope...) feature request: I think it could be
useful to have the .L command printing out the loaded functions/classes
names. Something like:

root [0] .L some_fits.C
Info in <???>: the following has been loaded:
   Double_t fit1_func(Double_t *x, Double_t*p) // Func for fit1
   void fit1(TH2F *h, int method=0) // Fit with algorithm1: method=0,1

where some_fits.C is:
Double_t fit1_func(Double_t *x, Double_t*p) // Func for fit1
   // code
void fit1(TH2F *h, int method=0) // Fit with algorithm1: method=0,1
   // code

(So one can read his own comments...)
This feature could be enabled/disabled for example with gEnv.

I have searched something like this in ROOT 3.03/05 but I haven't
found it. Perhaps it is more CINT related than ROOT related...


| Luigi Bardelli                                                          |
| INFN Sezione di Firenze                                                 |
| Tel: +39-055-457-2255                                                   |
| E-Mail: bardelli@fi.infn.it                                             |

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