Re: [ROOT] fit several gaus

Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 22:26:42 MEST

Quoting Rene Brun <>:

> Hi Karoly,
> In attachement, a small script peaks.C
> This script:
>   - generate a histogram with a variable number of peaks (here 8)
>   - Use the TSpectrum class as a peak finder
>   - Compute the initial parameters
>   - Fit
> Rene Brun

Thank for the script. But my problem is that my gaussians are _overlapped_ 
( for example 3 gaussians ...

Double_t fun0(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
  Double_t arg1 = 0;
  if ( par[2] ) {
    arg1 = ( x[0] - par[1] ) / par[2];
  Double_t val = par[0] * TMath::Exp( kTH * arg1 * arg1 ) * x[0] * x[0] ;
  return val;

Double_t Total(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
  Double_t tot = fun0(x, par)
    + fun0(x, &par[3])
    + fun0(x, &par[6]); 
  return tot;

void create(){

  int npar = 9;
  Double_t params[9] = {100, 2, 1, 100, 5, 1, 700, 8, 1};
  TF1 *theory = new TF1("theory",Total,0,10,npar);
  TH1F *Data = new TH1F("Data","Data sampled from theory",100,0,10);

I would need a strategy (or paper, keyword, ... ) to find the initial 
parameters in this case ( not only for 3 gaussinas ... ). 



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