Hi, Could anybody tell me what's wrong with the following reasoning? Let's say we have TClonesArray in a TTree. In my eventLoop I call RemoveAt and then Compress(). Now, RemoveAt() doesn't free the memory in fKeep->fCont[i] but calls the destructor; now the virtual table pointer points to that of one TObject. (This can be checked directly on the interpreter) Now, next event comes. In the TBranchClones::GetEntry a ExpandCreateFast() is done; this expands the TClonesArray and prepares it to dump the data from the branch. Now for each element 'i' in the array 2 things may happen 1.- fCont[i]==0 && fKeep->fCont[i]==0 => the object is created and the default constructor called. This is fine 2.- fCont[i]==0 && fKeep->fCont[i]!=0 -> The constructor is not called; but if the object's destructor was called in advance the virtual table is not correct. This problem doesn't show up when only TClonesArray::Clear() is done because that doesn't involve calling destructors. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Best regards, Manuel
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