Re: [ROOT] Number of entries

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Jul 05 2002 - 22:19:38 MEST

Hi Nancy,

By default, the stats box is disabled when drawing y versus x
from the browser. Just display one of the variables using the cut
and you will see the stat box with the number of entries.
Note that when executing from the command line, the result
of tree.Draw("y:x","mycut") is the number of entries passing the cut.

Rene Brun

On Fri, 5 Jul 2002 wrote:

> >From a tree browser, I've plotted kinetic energy (Ekin) versus distance 
> (ctime). I've also activated a cut that restricts the range for both the Ekin 
> and ctime axes. How can I then determine the number of points plotted within 
> these cut ranges? The statistics box that usually displays the number of 
> entries (Nent) is not visible on this kind of graph. Thank you,
> Nancy

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