Hi everybody, I realized a problem with drawing option "E3" to draw a colored error band. It occurs if I apply this option to a histogram which also contains empty bins and using the method 'SetMinimum()' simultaneously. Starting from the last bins the error band is focused to the origin. A strange fragment occurs. I have reduced the problem to a little macro which you can try out. It contains two loops for filling a histogram with errors. One loop leaves the first bins empty the other (uncomment it) fills all bins. Int_t Test(){ TH1F* h_test = new TH1F("h_test","h_test", 45, 0, 12 ); // for (Int_t i = 1; i <= 45; ++i) { // use this loop and no problem // occurs (because no empty bins are present) for (Int_t i = 6; i <= 45; ++i) { h_test->SetBinContent(i, 4.0); Float_t error = (40.1-i)/40.0; h_test->SetBinError(i, error); } TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 1); h_test->SetMinimum(0.01); h_test->SetMaximum(6); h_test->SetFillColor(kRed); h_test->Draw("E3"); h_test->Draw("P HIST SAME"); return 0; } The same fragment occurs if I don't use 'SetMinimum()' but afterwards (if I can see the histogram in a canvas) try to zoom into a certain region of the y-axis. The question: Does this problem also occur if you try this macro? Am I doing something wrong?? How can I keep ROOT from connecting the error band with the origin ??? I'm using ROOT-version 3.02/02 (I also tried version 2.24/05 and the same problem occured) Best regards Marc Brueggemann -- Marc Brueggemann mailto:bruegge@Physik.Uni-Dortmund.DE Experimentelle Physik Vb phone: +49 (231) 755 3667 Dortmund University D-44227 Dortmund
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