Re: [ROOT] Changing TGPopupMenu's appearence and TGPopupMenu's status functions?

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 18:52:14 MEST

Hi Simon,

On Sat, 2002-07-13 at 16:21, Simon Desroches wrote:
> Hi there! I'm having some problems with the GUI librairies. I'va got two 
> questions about the TGPopupMenu:
> 1- How can I change the appearance of the title of the Popup menu(example, the 
> FILE or EDIT menu)? The font, the size, the background color of the title 
> itself?
Not easy at the moment (except for deriving your own class). Will be
improved in the near future.

> 2- I can't find any event sent when the popup is opened or closed, only when I 
> mouse the mouse over the menus inside. But I'd need something to know when my 
> popup menu is open to protect the GUI because an other thread is working on it.
Not with the current version. However, I've just implemented the signals
PoppedUp() and PoppedDown() that will be emitted when a popup pops up or
down. Now available from CVS.

Cheers, Fons.

> Thanks a lot!
> Simon
> root version : 3.02/07
> sys : sun
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