Re: [ROOT] Problem drawing functions

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 - 14:40:34 MEST

Does this still not work? Could be an AFS cache issue.

Cheers, Fons.

On Fri, 2002-07-19 at 19:35, Alberto Garcia Raboso wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying two draw two functions in the same Pad using the code given
> below. 5 minutes ago, it worked. But now, without changing anything, it
> doesn't. I get the message <<Warning in <TCanvas::ResizePad>: c1 height
> changed from 0 to 10>> and no graph.
> I've got not to get the error dropping out the option "same" when
> drawing fun.
> I'm running v. 3.03/02 on lxplus.
> Any idea? Thanks in advance.
> Alberto
> #include "TMath.h"
> #include "TF1.h"
> #include "TCanvas.h"
> void fit()
> {
> 	// Parameters of the function
> 	Double_t par[5] = {145.0, 145.0, 295.0, 8550.0, 5200.0};
> 	Double_t parAnt[3] = {-17.649, 4.905, 4.020};
> 	// Create canvas
> 	TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Fitting functions",1000,800);
> 	// Function
> 	TF1 *fun = new TF1("fitfun",TrajFunc,-700,700,5);
> 	TF1 *fun2 = new TF1("fitant",TrajAnt,-700,700,3);
> 	fun->SetParameters(par);
> 	fun2->SetParameters(parAnt);
> 	// Draw function
> 	c1->SetGridx();
> 	c1->SetGridy();
> 	fun2->SetLineColor(6);
> 	fun2->Draw();
> //	fun->Draw("same");
> 	c1->Update();
> }
> Double_t TrajFunc(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
> {
> 		Double_t Raiz, Term1, Term2, Term3, Val;
> 		Raiz = TMath::Sqrt( par[3] * par[3] - TMath::Power((par[2] - par[3]) *
> TMath::Sin(x[0]/512), 2) );
> 		Term1 = - par[0] * TMath::Tan(x[0]/512);
> 		Term2 = par[1] * TMath::Sin(x[0]/512) / ( Raiz * TMath::Abs(par[2] -
> par[3]) );
> 		Term3 = TMath::Sin(x[0]/512) * ( par[2]  * par[2] - 2 * par[2] *
> par[3]) / ( par[3] * TMath::Cos(x[0]/512) + Raiz );
> 		Val = - TMath::ATan((Term1 + Term2 + Term3) / par[4]);
> 		return Val;
> }
> Double_t TrajAnt(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
> {
> 		if(TMath::Abs(x[0]) < 10e-6)
> 			return 0.0;
>         Double_t Phi1, Phi2, Val;
> 		Phi2 = TMath::ACos( (par[0] + par[1] * par[1]) / ( (par[1] *
> TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power((par[2] -
> par[0]/par[2])/(2*TMath::Sin(x[0]/512)), 2) + par[0] ) ) ) ); 
> 		Phi1 = TMath::ACos( (par[0] + par[2] * par[2]) / ( (par[2] *
> TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power((par[2] -
> par[0]/par[2])/(2*TMath::Sin(x[0]/512)), 2) + par[0] ) ) ) );
> 		Val = -TMath::Sign(1.0, x[0]) * (Phi2 - Phi1);
> 		return Val;
> }
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