[ROOT] subtacting histograms, errrors

From: Dmitri Litvintsev (litvinse@fnal.gov)
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 21:21:01 MEST

Hi ROOTers,

I have attached GIF file of that depicts two histograms.

Top histogram is obtained by subtracting using TH1::Add():


A glance at error bars of this histogram tells that errors weren't
calculated correctly. The closer the value to zero the smaller is the
error bar (it looks like that error=sqrt(abs(value))...)

Bottom histogram contains right subtraction, done by handwritten

void subtract(TH1* h1, TH1*h2, TH1* h3, double a=1, double b=1) {
	for (int i=0;i<h1->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
		double value = a*h1->GetBinContent(i)+b*h2->GetBinContent(i);
		double error = sqrt((a*a*h1->GetBinError(i)*h1->GetBinError(i))+(b*b*h2->GetBinError(i)*h2->GetBinError(i)));

Errors look right on the bottom one.

Q: Is this a known feature and I just overlooked the documentation and
    there is a switch to calculate the errors right?

If it is a bug, then I am amazed that:

	- it is overlooked
	- the same thing has been in early versions of PAW,
	  is it a legacy thing...

Dmitri Litvintsev

| Tel:       (630) 840 5005                                |
| FAX:       (630) 840 2968                                |
| office:    149-L CDF Trailers                            |
| E-mail:    litvinse@fnal.gov                             |


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