Re: [ROOT] TH2 & TProfile2D draw options

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Jul 26 2002 - 23:30:03 MEST

Hi Mike,

Your first point is not obvious to implement as you propose.

For your second point, move to 3.03/07. Several improvements have been
made by Olivier Couet in the past few weeks.

Rene Brun

On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Mike Kordosky wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to visualize the errorbars in a 2D histogram?  I'm thinking
> of polymarkers w/ errors suspended over the x,y plane or something
> similar.
> Also, I seem to have problems seeing colors when drawing a 2D with the
> "col" option.   I can see colors if I give the "lego2" option. However, if
> I give "lego2 z" the there is a non colored colorscale drawn along the z
> axis.  Can anyone help?  I've poked around in TStyle, but the only
> candidate TStyle:SetPallete() doensn't have any effect on the z scale...
> I use root 3.03/02 on a linux pc.
> -- 
> Graduate Research Assistant  // High Energy Physics Lab
>     // University of Texas at Austin
>	   //
> ph: (512) 471-8426 (RLM Lab, Office)
>     (512) 475-8673 (ENS Lab)

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