Hi Rooters, I have the following code: TCanvas* c1=new TCanvas("c1","c1",10,10,800,600); TFile f("Event.root"); T->SetMarkerStyle(7); // draw picture 1 T->Draw("fNvertex:fNtrack>>htemp"); c1->Print("test1.ps"); TH1F* htemp=(TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("htemp"); htemp->SetTitle("title"); htemp->Draw(); htemp->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("title1"); htemp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("title2"); // draw picture 2 c1->Print("test2.ps"); I create a picture with a tree, give the output into a histogram and draw the histogram. While doing that, 'test1.ps' stores the output from the Tree:Draw and 'test2.ps' stores the output from TH1F:Draw. When you compare the two pictures you will find that they are completely different! My questions are: 1. How to give the output of a Tree:Draw into a histogram to draw exactly the same picture 2. Or how can I set titles to axis when drawing a tree? (There is no command TTree::GetXaxis() or similar.. Cheers Alex
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