Hi ROOTers, I have some ROOT files, each containing a TTree that holds events. I've generated MakeClass code, RawClass, to read these TTrees, and added a method HistEvent(Int_t entry) to draw out some parameters for each event and plot these in a canvas. I've been trying to write a named script to loop over several files and plot each event in turn using HistEvent (code included below). For each file I create the RawClass object, and then loop over the entries with HistEvent being called for each one. As I want to pause between each event to study the canvas, I added a cin.get(). However, running the code produces the following seg fault: root [0] .L libTDriftData.so (Load appropriate library for TTree) root [1] .L RawClass.C root [2] .L rdplotevents.C root [3] rdplotevents() Enter path to directory containing runXXXXX.root files: /driftdata0/data5/raw Enter run number bounds to plot events over: 5000 5010 Plotting Events from file /driftdata0/data5/raw/run05000.root *** Break *** segmentation violation Root > Function rdplotevents() busy flag cleared Function HistEvent() busy flag cleared This appears to be something to do with the inner for loop, as I have another very similar (perfectly working) script that calls the Loop() method of RawClass at the same point as the inner for loop. I'm using ROOT v3.02/07 on a PC running RH7.1. Any suggestions for a solution will be gratefully received! Thanks, Ben Morgan. #include<iostream.h> Int_t rdplotevents() { char filedirectory[100]; char filename[100]; Int_t lowrun, uprun; cout<<"Enter path to directory containing runXXXXX.root files: "<<endl; cin>>filedirectory; cout<<"Enter run number bounds to plot events over: "; cin>>lowrun>>uprun; cout<<endl; for(Int_t i=lowrun; i<(uprun+1); i++) { if(i<10000) sprintf(filename,"%s/run0%d.root",filedirectory,i); else sprintf(filename,"%s/run%d.root",filedirectory,i); cout<<"Plotting Events from file "<<filename<<endl; //Open File, Get Tree and make RawClass object TFile *f = new TFile(filename,"read"); if(f->IsZombie()) { cout<<"File "<<filename<<" does not exist, continuing....."<<endl; continue; } TTree *t1 = (TTree*)f->Get("DriftRawData"); RawClass *RC = new RawClass(t1); Int_t nentries = (Int_t)(RC->fChain->GetEntries()); for(Int_t j=0; j<nentries; j++) { RC->HistEvent(j); cin.get(); } delete RC; } return 0; } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Ben Morgan Tel: 44 (0)114 22 23553 (Work) Postgraduate Student University of Sheffield Department of Physics & Astronomy Hicks Building Hounsfield Road Sheffield S3 7RH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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