Re: [ROOT] Can't generate dictionary

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sun Aug 11 2002 - 21:57:59 MEST

Hi Miha,

You seem to have a problem with your PATH,LD_LIBRARY_PATH or INCLUDEPATH.
In case you did not solve your problem, send me your files
 TAtomModel.h TAtomModel_LinkDef.h

Rene Brun

On Sat, 10 Aug 2002 wrote:

> Hi!
> After a half a year break in using Root I updated to Version  3.03/07  9 
> August 2002. Now when I try to recompile code which used to compile, I get 
> the following error:
> rootcint -v -f -c TAtomModel.h TAtomModel_LinkDef.h
> Error: Symbol G__TypeInfotype is not defined in current scope  
> FILE:/usr/share/root/include/Method.h LINE:98
> Error: Symbol G__TypeInfotype is not defined in current scope  
> FILE:/usr/share/root/include/MethodAr.h LINE:53
> Error: Symbol G__TypeInfotype is not defined in current scope  
> FILE:/usr/share/root/include/DataMbr.h LINE:71
> Error: class,struct,union or type G__TypeInfo not defined  
> FILE:/usr/share/root/include/Typedf.h LINE:37
> Error: Symbol G__TypeInfotinfo is not defined in current scope  
> FILE:/usr/share/root/include/Token.h LINE:75
> Warning: Error occured during reading source files
> Warning: Error occured during dictionary source generation
> !!!Removing TAtomModel_Dict.h !!!
> Error: rootcint: error loading headers...
> make: *** [] Error 1
> What do I do?
> Regards
> Miha
> -- 

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