Re: [ROOT] Problem with TF1

From: Takefumi SORA (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 11:56:32 MEST

Dear Pietro Govoni,

Thank you for your answer.
I can understand where my code is wrong.
Your idea to get fit parameter is excuted successfully.

In addition, I have one more question.
I want entries of Leaf which satisfy a condition.
Referencing your the second idea, I managed to make this code.

  TH1F *hnew = new TH1F("hnew","hnew",100,0,1000);
  tree->Draw("Leaf >> hnew", "Leaf > 400" );
  Int_t number = hnew->GetEntries();
  cout << number << endl;

It seems to be something indirect.
Without creating histgram, Can I get the number of entries ?

Takefumi SORA <>

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