Hello Rooters, I have two TF1's. lets call them f1 and f2. I want to draw them both on the same canvas, and fill in the area between them. It draw them on the same canvas is easy, but how do I fill in the area between them?? Even more generally, I have some enclosed area on a TPad, how would I fill in this area? For example to show integral(x^3-x^2,x=2..3) graphically. -- RAINMAN "How much does a piece of gum cost Ray?" "About $100." "How much does a new car cost Ray?" "`Bout $100." "There goes working for NASA!" ================================================================== Ray Fliller: rfliller@bnl.gov Office Phone: (631)-344-6124 C-A Accelerator Physics Dept. Fax: (631)-344-5954 Building 911B Brookhaven National Lab Upton, NY 11973 Office: Room 211 http://www.agsrhichome.bnl.gov/People/rfliller/ ==================================================================
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