Re: [ROOT] Finding extents of all objects in a TPad?

From: Brett Viren (
Date: Tue Aug 20 2002 - 22:08:58 MEST

Rene Brun writes:
 > No, this facility does not exists. It will require a function like
 > TObject::GetRange assuming no object hierarchy, the same coordinate
 > system (user coor, NDC, Log coord, etc).

Yes.  This is just what I am using now.  But, as you say, I need to
extend TObject to provide a GetRange()-like method.  I was hoping to
remove some of the layers of inheritance in my classes if possible.

 > Do you have something in mind?

It's not a big thing.  I just use this to provide a
TPadSubClass::FullZoom() method to provide the original Range for the
TPad.  It is also a method to let people who have zoomed too deep and
got lost to just pop back to a starting point.

But, both can be dealt with in other ways.


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