Re: [ROOT] Rootcint again: Linker errors

From: Christian Holm Christensen (
Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 20:45:36 MEST

Hi Ole, 

On Fri, 23 Aug 2002 18:38:10 +0200
Ole Streicher <> wrote
concerning "Re: [ROOT] Rootcint again: Linker errors":
> Hi Rene!
> Rene Brun writes:
>  > You must be consistent if you use namespaces.
> Thank you. Now it compiles, but it still doesn't run. It get the message
> Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class myexperiment::EventHeader is available
> Error in <TTree::Bronch>: Cannot find dictionary for class: myexperiment::EventHeader

You need to tell CINT to enable use of `nested' classes: 

   #pragma link off all functions;
   #pragma link off all globals;
   #pragma link off all classes;

   #pragma link C++ nestedclass;
   #pragma link C++ nestedtypedef;

   #pragma link C++ namespace YOUR_NS_NAME;
   #pragma link C++ class YOUR_NS_NAME::YOUR_CLASS_NAME;
   #pragma link off function YOUR_NS_NAME::YOUR_FUNC_NAME;
   #pragma link C++ function YOUR_NS_NAME::YOUR_FUNC_NAME;

See also [1,2] (the manual actully explaines this :-) 

Here's an example: 

  // File Foo.hh
  #ifndef Foo_hh
  #define Foo_hh 
  #ifndef ROOT_TObject
  #include "TObject.h"

  namespace Bar
    class Foo : public TObject
      int _foo;
      Foo(int foo);
      void Print(Option_t* option) const;      
  // EOF

  // File
  #ifndef Foo_hh
  #include "Foo.hh"
  #ifndef __IOSTREAM__
  #include <iostream>


  Bar::Foo::Foo(int foo) : _foo(foo) {}

  void Bar::Foo::Print(Option_t* option) const 
    cout << "Foo is " << _foo << endl;
  // EOF

  // File FooLinkDef.hh
  // -*- mode: c++ -*-
  #ifndef __CINT__
  #error Not for compilation
  #pragma link off all functions;
  #pragma link off all globals;
  #pragma link off all classes;
  #pragma link C++ nestedclass;
  #pragma link C++ namespace Bar;
  #pragma link C++ class Bar::Foo+;  
  // EOF

compile and try with (assuming you're using GCC and GNU ld): 

  rootcint -f -c Foo.hh FooLinkDef.hh 
  g++ -shared -o -Wl,-soname,

and try it in a ROOT session: 

  root [0] gSystem->Load("");
  root [1] Bar::Foo* foo = new Bar::Foo(10);
  root [2] foo->Print()
  Foo is 10
  root [3] TTree* tree = new TTree("t", "T")
  root [4] tree->Branch("foo", "Bar::Foo", &foo)
  (class TBranch*)0x87dd328

The same rules applies for nested classes BTW.  Search roottalk, and
you'll find a number of posts concerning this (some of them from me

Hope that helps.  

a question for Masa, and the ROOT team:  Why isn't this enabled per
default?  Is there a performance penalty to pay?  Will ROOT at some
point put all their classes into a `Root' (or `ROOT') namespace,
instead of the `T' prefix?  I think that would be a good idea (for
ROOT 4 or something) - most compilers should be able to handle
namespaces by now, as it's such an intergral part of the ISO/IEC C++
standard.  Perhaps one could so something like 

  #define NS(x) Root:: x
  #define NSDECL(x) x
  #define NSCTOR(x) x
  namespace Root { 
  #define NS(x) T ## x
  #define NSDECL(x) T ## x
  #define NSCTOR(x) T ## x
    class NSDECL(Object) { 
    NS(Object)::NSCTOR(Object) () 
    NS(Object)::~NSCTOR(Object) () 

or what ever works.  Ofcourse you'd have to different binary version
of ROOT: One using namespaces and one not.  Another option would be to
leave the `T' in, and just do 

  namespace Root { 

    class TObject 

Or one could forget about compatibility between ROOT 3 and 4 (or have
some layer or something). 


 ____ |  Christian Holm Christensen 
  |_| |	 -------------------------------------------------------------
    | |	 Address: Sankt Hansgade 23, 1. th.  Phone:  (+45) 35 35 96 91
     _|	          DK-2200 Copenhagen N       Cell:   (+45) 24 61 85 91
    _|	          Denmark                    Office: (+45) 353  25 305
 ____|	 Email:               Web:
 | |


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