RE: [ROOT] Error in <TKey::ReadObj>: Unknown class TNtuple

From: Valeri Fine (
Date: Fri Aug 30 2002 - 18:59:34 MEST

Hello Sylvain,

One may suspect you didn't load all DLL's properly or you didn't compile
your code the consistent way.

Can you elaborate whether you can run your code as ROOT macro 
and as standard ROOT-loadable DLL? 

At least when one uses macro it leaves no room for any bug withn the
compilation option. When you create a ROOT-loadable DLL you are free of
the problem with the proper loading of the ROOT system DLL's.

Since your code is a simple one it can be run as ROOT macro. Can you try
that first? If the performance is your main concern then try
ROOT-loadable DLL as your next step.

           Best regards, Valeri

> Good norming

  Have a good night :-)

> I write a code to convert ROOT file into text file :

>	for (int j=90;j<100;j++) { //boucle on file
>     file_nb=j;
>     sprintf(line,"1101B%.3d.ROOT",file_nb);
>	 f = TFile::Open(line);
> 	 if (f->IsZombie()) continue;
>	 printf("selected file : %s\n",line);
>     TTree* ntuple = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get("ntuple");
> //Set branch addresses
>     ntuple->SetBranchAddress("hauteur",&hauteur);
>     ntuple->SetBranchAddress("ratio",&ratio);
>     ntuple->SetBranchAddress("beta_aerosol",&beta_aerosol);
>     ntuple->SetBranchAddress("beta_rayleigh",&beta_rayleigh);
>     ntuple->SetBranchAddress("raw_signal",&raw_signal);
>     ntuple->SetBranchAddress("signal_r2",&signal_r2);

> but my code is compiling and the exe file is created
> when I execute if I read :

> Error in <TKey::ReadObj>: Unknown class TNtuple

> I don't understand why ?

> I am running on Windows 2000 with ROOT 3.03/08.

> could you help me again

> thank

Sylvain Geffroy

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