Re: [ROOT] Performance question: Updating a colz histogram

From: Reiner Rohlfs (
Date: Mon Sep 02 2002 - 09:16:43 MEST

Hi Ed,

there is a new image class TASImage since 3.03.08. (See  Version 3.03/08
Release Notes) This was developed for better performance in screen update. You
need a low level library, which you can download from the ROOT page:

But, I never tested it on Windows! I don't know if this works at all on
Windows, but it could help you with your timing problems.


On 30-Aug-02 at 23:51, Ed Oltman ( wrote:
> Hello,
>  I have an online application which includes a 500x500 bin TH2F which I
> display in response to a timer with
>     p2DH->Draw("colz");
>     gPad->GetCanvas()->Update();
> (I've previously called gStyle->SetPalette(1,0))  Early on, when the
> histogram is still young, the refresh is pretty quick - refreshing at 2 Hz
> uses a small amount (<10%) of the cpu time. Gradually, as the histogram
> fills, the refresh time increases - by the time the histogram has a few
> hundred thousand entries, (maximum bin contents is in the 10s) the cpu time
> is 80% and climing.
> Is there something I could do to speed things up, short of adjusting the
> refresh rate?  I am using version 3.03/08 on Win32.  Thanks...
> Ed Oltman

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