Hello, sorry for that much mails, what is the correct usage of the SetAddress() function of the TBranch class? I thought that it always needs a pointer to a pointer with an initialized events, but in the example of the User's manual (pg. 247), they use static Float_d destep; t2->GetBranch("destep")->SetAddress(&destep); For me, neither of the two works. My script looks like: gSystem->Load("run/.libs/libpamelarun"); TFile *f = new TFile("Physics.root"); TTree *t = (TTree *)f.Get("Physics"); EventCounter *counter = new EventCounter(); t->GetBranch("Counter")->SetAddress(&counter); t->GetEntry(0); cout << counter->GetEventNumber() << endl; t->GetEntry(10); cout << counter->GetEventNumber() << endl; which doesn't print anything else than "0". Changing the "counter" from a pointer to a local variable doesn't help. No error message is printed, using "t->GetBranch("Counter")->Print()" I can see that it contains the correct structure. Also with "t->GetBranch()->Draw("Counter.EventNumber")" I find that the Number is not zero. How can I proceed to debug? Ole
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