Hello! The following code produces a blank Post-Script file (or actually, it produces a file which creates the plot and then erases it). Could someone let me know what I am doing wrong? My makefile is reproduced below, as well as the line which I used to configure root before installing it into my user directory. I am using RH 6.1 with egcs-2.91.66. I thank the creators for what seems so far to be a fine product. Thanks, Andrew Steiner ----------------------------Code--------------------------------------- #include <stdio.h> #include <TCanvas.h> #include <Rtypes.h> #include <TGraph.h> #include <TLatex.h> int main(void) { float *xv,*yv; xv=new float[2]; yv=new float[2]; int nlines = 2; TCanvas *c1; TGraph *gr; xv[0]=1; yv[0]=2; xv[1]=2; yv[1]=4; c1 = new TCanvas("c1","",0,0,500,500); c1->SetFillColor(0); gr = new TGraph(nlines,xv,yv); gr->SetFillColor(0); gr->SetLineColor(1); gr->SetLineWidth(1); gr->SetMarkerColor(1); // Make big dots gr->SetMarkerStyle(7); // Remove the title gr->SetTitle(""); // Draw axis and points gr->Draw("AP"); c1->Print("plot.eps"); return 0; } ---------------------Makefile----------------------------------- ROOTLIBS = -L/home/asteiner/root/lib -lCore -lCint -lHist -lGraf \ -lGraf3d -lGpad -lTree -lRint -lPostscript -lMatrix \ -lPhysics -lGui -lm -ldl -lpthread -rdynamic test.o: test.cpp g++ -ggdb -c test.cpp -I/home/asteiner/root/include test: test.o g++ -lm -ggdb -o test test.o $(ROOTLIBS) ------------Configuration------------------------------------------ configure linux --prefix=/home/asteiner/root \ --libdir=/home/asteiner/root/lib --incdir=/home/asteiner/root/include \ --mandir=/home/asteiner/root/man/man1 --etcdir=/home/asteiner/root/etc \ --datadir=/home/asteiner/root
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