Re: [ROOT] Problems with new multi-page print method.

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 12:20:48 MEST

Hi Brett, Hi Miro,

Thanks for reporting this funny behaviour.
The test works with gs but not gv.
We will investigate.

Rene Brun

On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Brett Viren wrote:

> Hi, 
> I am using ROOT 3.03/08 from CVS ca. 8/26) GhostScript 6.0 via GV
> 3.5.8 on Debian x86, GCC 3.0.4.
> I am trying to use the new multi-page TPad::Print method but get odd
> behavior.  In viewing a 3 page output, as I go down the pages in GV I
> see:
> 	page 1 blank
> 	page 2 okay
> 	page 3 okay
> 	page 2 okay
> 	page 1 okay
> 	page 2 blank
> 	page 3 HUGE zoom of lower right corner
> 	page 2 same
> 	page 1 same
> 	page 2 same
> 	page 3 blank
> 	page 2 HUGE zoom of lower right corner
> 	etc.
> Appended is some test code (am I using the feature correctly?) and
> attached is the PS file.
> -Brett.
> // test_hist.C
> //
> // run like: root test_hist.C
> //    needs: hsimple.root from root/test in CWD
> //  creates:
> //
> TCanvas* canvas=0;
> TFile* hist_file=0;
> void plot_one ()
> {
> //    canvas->Clear();        // no effect
>     TH2D* hpxpy = hist_file->Get("hpxpy");
>     hpxpy->Draw("colz");
> }
> void test_hist ()
> {
>     hist_file = new TFile("hsimple.root");
>     gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
>     canvas = new TCanvas("test","test",1100,850);
>     canvas->Print("");
>     plot_one();
>     canvas->Print("");
>     plot_one();
>     canvas->Print("");
>     plot_one();
>     canvas->Print("");
>     delete canvas;
>     canvas=0;
> }

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