Hi Rooters, I found a strange behavior while fitting TGraphErrors objects. When I fit my data with a predefined function (let's say "pol1") I can see that the fit / chisquare is different if I switch on/off the error bars along x (ex). So in this case it behaves as I expect. If now I use my user defined function, I can't see anymore this feature (see macro at the end. I also attached the file used for defining my function). I guess I am doing something wrong but I cannot figure out what it is. any help is welcome, thanks Nicolas P.S : I am using root 3.02/5 on RH7.1, and I see the same behavior with root 3.00/06 on HP-UX ************* macro chisq.C ************* Graph *GR; Int_t DIM; Double_t *XX, *YY; void chisq() { gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); // on dessine un canvas TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1"); c1->SetGrid(); // on dessine les axes TH2F *h2 = new TH2F("h2", "test fit", 300, 2.65, 2.76, 1000, 0, 100); h2->SetXTitle("Energie (MeV)"); h2->Draw(); // on creer les donnees Double_t x[4] = {2.693, 2.7, 2.7, 2.708}; Double_t ex[4] = {0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.002}; Double_t y[4] = {64.02073, 61.66537, 64.23304, 33.05851}; Double_t ey[4] = {2.75809, 1.91538 ,1.89935, 1.26583}; // on remplit un TGraphErrors TGraphErrors *data = new TGraphErrors(4, x, y, ex, ey); // TGraphErrors *data = new TGraphErrors(4, x, y, 0, ey); data->SetMarkerStyle(22); data->SetMarkerColor(kRed); data->SetLineColor(kRed); data->Draw("P"); // on lit le fichier contenant la fonction a fitter GR = read("reson_n02.out"); DIM = GR->GetN(); XX = GR->GetX(); YY = GR->GetY(); // on definit la fonction du fit TF1 *fitf = new TF1("fitf", fitf, XX[0], XX[DIM-1], 1); fitf->SetParameter(0, 1.1); fitf->SetParName(0, "N"); // on fait le fit data->Fit("fitf", "RV+"); // data->Fit("pol1"); } TGraph* read(TString name) { // on construit le nom du fichier a lire TString path = "/home/astronuc/deserevi/"; path += name; // ouverture du fichier de donnees ifstream fich; fich.open(path); if ( !fich ) cout << "Probleme dans l'ouverture du fichier : " << path << endl; // saute les 'comm' premieres lignes de commentaires Int_t comm = 0; Char_t line[256]; for ( Int_t i = 0; i < comm; i++ ) fich.getline(line, sizeof(line)); // TGraphErrors *gre = new TGraphErrors(); TGraph *gre = new TGraph(); Int_t nlines = 0; Float_t x, y; // lecture du fichier de donnees while ( fich >> x >> y ) gre->SetPoint(nlines++, x, y); return gre; } Double_t fitf(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { Int_t index = TMath::BinarySearch(DIM, XX, x[0]); // interpolation lineaire Double_t fitval = ((YY[index] - YY[index+1]) * x[0] + (XX[index]*YY[index+1] - XX[index+1]*YY[index])) / (XX[index] - XX[index+1]); return par[0] * fitval; } -- :-------------------------------: : Nicolas DE SEREVILLE : : C.S.N.S.M. : : Batiment 104 : : 91405 ORSAY Campus : : Tel : (+ 33) (0)1 69 15 48 57 : : Fax : (+ 33) (0)1 69 15 50 08 : :-------------------------------:
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