Re: [ROOT] contours, tranparency

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 14:20:28 MEST

Hi Bjoern,

Note that the transparent styles are going from:
 4000 : 100% transparent
 4100 : 100% opaque
If you select 4000, by definition, no fill area will be visible.

Also, note that transparency/opacity is only supported on the screen, not
on Postscript. For this, you should use the styles 3000+pattern-number.
Use version 3.03/08

Concerning your point about contours: As indicated in the doc, only the
option cont can generate the list of TGraph for each contour line.
The options cont1, cont2, cont3 cannot generate a TGraph.
On the screen, you may have the impression of a continuous line for each
contour with the option cont1. In reality, there are plenty of very short
lines drawn in the disorder. Building a TGraph out of these short lines
is not so trivial.

Rene Brun

Fri, 13 Sep 2002, Bjoern Nadrowski wrote:

> Hi, I/m using version 3.03/08 on a linux machine with Suse 8.0.
> I have several questions: is there a way to overlay transparent or
> semi-transparent filled areas (for example: yellow + blue = green)?
> I have not found out the way the transparency works.
> When plotting in a session with overlayed completely transparent pads,
> and giving to the graphs a SetFillStyle(4000), the Draw("f") results in
> no filling of areas at all.
> When exporting the canvas to .ps, the area is filled with the correct
> color.
> But a second graph overlayed (with 4000) does not trasparently overlay
> the first one, but paints it completely over (in the ps: in the online
> session, it simply does not draw the area). This happens in all the
> cases, when using one transparent pad and frame for the first and
> another for the second, or when using the same transparetn pad and frame
> for both.
> My second problem concerns the way the contours option works.
> I am able to export the contours for a "contz,list" option, as described
> in the manua.
> But, for a "cont1,list" option, the contours are drawn nicely, but there
> is simply no entry in the ListOfSpecials!
> I have seen that in a root session: drawing graphs and looking in the
> TBrowser, if there are specials or not.
> Are these bugs or how can I do these things?

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