[ROOT] Error in <RootX11ErrorHandler>

From: Stanislav NESTEROV (Stanislav.Nesterov@cern.ch)
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 13:29:19 MEST

    Hi Rene,
    I've found very strange error leading to ROOT's hanging in version 
    I've create simple histogram via

root [0] TH1F gg("gg","Gaus",200,-2,2)         
root [1] gg.FillRandom("gaus",10000)
root [2] TFile tmp("tmp.root","recreate") 
root [3] gg.Write()
root [4] tmp.Close()
    after it I've tryed to read it and set axis title (it must contain TWO 
TLatex special symbols) and then trying to draw it everything is crashed. 
I have no such problem in previous version.
root [0] TFile tmp("tmp.root")           
root [1] tmp.cd()
root [2] TCanvas *dd = new TCanvas("dd","ccccc",630,600)
root [3] gg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma #pi")
root [4] gg->Draw()
Error in <RootX11ErrorHandler>: BadValue (integer parameter out of range 
for operation) (XID: 0, XREQ: 53)

   If you'll draw it without creating TCanvas then everything is OK.

			Best regards,

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