Re: [ROOT] question about ROOT GUI

From: Andres Russu Berlanga (
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 13:48:17 MEST

You need create a destructor to delete in a correct way the TGFrame 
(the main window). 
You notice that the order to delete the widges is so important.

Here you have a example:

  // Delete all created widgets.

  delete fSunkenLayout; delete fFrameLayout0Exp; 
  delete fFrameLayout1L; delete fFrameLayout1R; delete fFrameLayout2;
  delete fFrameLayout3; delete fFrameLayout4; delete fGroupLayout1;
  delete fMenuBarLayout; delete fMenuBarItemLayout; delete 

  delete fMenuFile; delete fMenuTools; delete fMenuHelp; 
  delete fMenuBar;

  delete fTBextnum;

  delete fTExtnum;   

  delete fLfilelabel; delete fLfile; delete fLextnum;

  delete fRN; delete fRS; delete fRC; delete fRT; delete fRY;
  delete fRLin; delete fRLogX; delete fRLogY;

  delete fDrawButton; 

  delete fErrorBuGr; delete fAxisBuGr;

  delete fFileFrame; delete fExtFrame; 
  delete fErrorFrame; delete fAxisFrame;

  delete fErrorGrFrame; delete fAxisGrFrame; 
  delete fSunkenFrame;

Best wishes,

> Hi,
> I'm working with ROOT GUI and when a TGFrame is closed (like in the 
> of TGMsgBox, by clicking the OK button) I often get a new blank 
> on the screen plus I get this message:
> Root >
>  *** Break *** segmentation violation
> Root >
>  *** Break *** segmentation violation
> Is this a "feature" of ROOT GUI?  Could you give me ideas on what to 
> (and what to be careful about) to make sure that when I don't get 
> segmentation violations or get a new canvas or get hanged main 
> when a dialog box exits?  Seems there isn't much docs on this from 
> ROOT web site or anywhere.
> Best regards,
> Allister
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> Allister Levi Sanchez
> High Energy Physics Laboratory
> Niigata University
> Japan
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


Andres Russu Berlanga
Phone:+34 963983676

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