[ROOT] [Fwd: setparameter problem]

From: ivan brida (brida@fmph.uniba.sk)
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 15:38:17 MEST

   hi rooters

I reported this problem several weeks ago, but I gave no answer. could 
anybody help me with it?

this  is a simplified example of my code:

void main() {
  float a=1.0;
  TF1 *f = new TF1 ( "f" ,  "[0]",   1,   10);
  f -> SetParameter(0,a);

  float b = 10.0;
  TF1 *g = new TF1( "g",   "[0] * f",   1,   10);
  g -> SetParameter(0,10);

  TF1 *h = new TF1( "h",    "g",   1,   10);

the problem  is that the functions "g" and "h" are not equal, but h=b*g. 
 if I change:

  float a = 1.0;
  TF1 *f = new TF1 ( "f" ,  "[0]",   1,   10);
  f -> SetParameter(0,a);


  TF1 *f = new TF1("f","1. *1.0",1,10)

then h=g. So I assume, that the error in my code is connected with 
"SetParameter".  why h!=g  in example above?


best regards


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