[ROOT] MakeClass bug?

From: Salvatore Rappoccio (rappocc@fnal.gov)
Date: Thu Sep 19 2002 - 22:32:43 MEST


I am trying to run MakeClass off of a TTree. It gives me the following

class NNAna {
   public :
   TTree          *fChain;   //!pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
   Int_t           fCurrent; //!current Tree number in a TChain
//Declaration of leaves types
   Int_t           Jet_B_njet;
   Float_t         Jet_B_chf[64];   //[njet]
   Float_t         Jet_B_e[64];   //[njet]
   Float_t         Jet_B_emf[64];   //[njet]
   Float_t         Jet_B_et[64];   //[njet]
   Float_t         Jet_B_eta[64];   //[njet]
   Float_t         Jet_B_etad[64];   //[njet]
   Float_t         Jet_B_grde[64];   //[njet]
   Float_t         Jet_B_jetprobrphi[64];   //[njet]
   Int_t           Jet_B_nch[64];   //[njet]
   Int_t           Jet_B_ngoodrphitracks[64];   //[njet]
   Int_t           Jet_B_ntracks[64];   //[njet]
   Float_t         Jet_B_phi[64];   //[njet]
   Float_t         Jet_B_px[64];   //[njet]
   Float_t         Jet_B_py[64];   //[njet]
   Float_t         Jet_B_pz[64];   //[njet]
   Int_t           Jet_B_trackIndices[64][200];   //[njet]




void NNAna::Init(TTree *tree)
//   Set branch addresses
   if (tree == 0) return;
   fChain    = tree;
   fCurrent = -1;


   // Shouldn't there be some stuff here to init the leaves
   // to the variables in the class?????


The MakeClass function sets the pointers to the branches, but not to the
leaves. Is this a bug, or am I using this wrong?

Thank you!
Sal Rappoccio

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