[ROOT] Problem with TGraph in a TClonesArray (under ROOT 3.03/09)

From: Tommaso Chiarusi (Tommaso.Chiarusi@bo.infn.it)
Date: Fri Sep 20 2002 - 15:23:11 MEST

Dear Rooters, with ROOT 3.03/09 i try to manage an array of TGraphs in 
order to retrieve the maximum for each of the TGraphs.

So first I get the TClonesArray:

int entries = 100;// number of points for each graph

 double *bsua = new double[entries]; // abscisses of the graph
 double *aree = new double[entries]; // ordinates  "

int nd = 4; // number of TGraphs

TClonesArray g("TGraph",nd);

 for (int lo=0;lo<nd;lo++){

   for (Int_t ki=0;ki<entries;ki++)
       aree[ki]=GetOrdinates(lo); // these are two function that gets 
the appropriate data

   new(g[lo]) TGraph(entries,bsua,aree);   

 TGraph *gra;

 TIter git(&g);

 TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("ZoneAree");
 double io;
 while(gra = (TGraph*)git.Next())
     TH1F *h = gra->GetHistogram();

The error I get is:

Error: illegal pointer to class object h 0x0 145  
FILE:Analisi_zonearea.C LINE:112
(class G__CINT_ENDL)141368720
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

Note, that if I draw the TGraph, it works!!!!!!
Where do I commit a mistake?
Thank you!!!!!

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