[ROOT] splitting TClonesArray on TTree

From: Susan Kasahara (schubert@physics.umn.edu)
Date: Sun Sep 22 2002 - 02:22:33 MEST

Hi rooters,
I have a question regarding TTree branch splitting & TClonesArrays.

I have a class with a datamember that is a pointer to a TClonesArray:
class Event: public TObject {
      TClonesArray* array;  // stores objects of type Track

When I store objects of class Event on a ROOT TTree in splitmode = 99, e.g.
   TTree* tree = new TTree("test","test tree");
   Event* event = 0;
   tree -> Branch("Event","Event",&event,64000,99);

I find that the datamembers of the Tracks stored in the TClonesArray
are split over multiple branches in the TTree as is desirable.

Now, when I create a class that derives from Event, e.g.:

class SpecialEvent: public Event {

and store objects of class SpecialEvent on a ROOT TTree in splitmode = 99,
I find that the datamembers of the Tracks stored in the base class Event's TClonesArray are no
longer split over multiple branches.
Is there a way to request that the base class TClonesArray be split or is there
a reason for this limitation?
I am using root cvs 9/15/02 on rh linux using gcc 2.95.3.
Thanks in advance,

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