Re: [ROOT] Changing styles

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Sep 24 2002 - 17:38:09 MEST

Hi Jochen,

Did you miss my reply to your similar question to roottalk
on September 12? see my answer at:

Concerning your question about the TLegend font: You can
do the following:
  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.6,0.7,0.85,0.8);
  TLegendEntry *le1 = leg->AddEntry(h,"A Gaussian distribution");

The text font cannot be set currently via the TStyle. I will add an option
to do it.

Rene Brun

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, Jochen Cammin wrote:

> Dear Rooters,
> I would like to change some parameters of the global styles, e.g. changing 
> the font to Roman on histogram labels, axis, legends etc. I know how to 
> this for each object (h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(22)), but I want to do 
> this once at the beginning of a macro and not separately for each object. 
> Therefore I created a style like in the attached macro.
> But I encounter several problems:
> - the font for the Yaxis is not changed
> - how to change the font for the legend in the style definition?
> - as described in the manual, the new style must be called before reading 
>   objects from a file. Then how can I make in one macro two plots from the 
> same histogram (read from a file), first with MyStyle1 and then with 
> MyStyle2? The obvious way would be something like this (assume there is a 
> canvas divided into two pads):
>    c1_1->cd()
>    gROOT->SetStyle(MyStyle1);
>    hist->Draw();
>    c1_2->cd();
>    gROOT->SetStyle(MyStyle2);
>    hist->Draw();
> But as I understand from the manual this won't work.
> I am using the HEAD version of root on RedHat7.2.1.
> Thanks,
>    Jochen
> {
> gROOT->Reset();
> TStyle *Sty = new TStyle("MyStyle","My Style");
> Sty->SetTitleFont(22);
> Sty->SetLabelFont(22);
> Sty->SetOptStat(0);
> gROOT->SetStyle("MyStyle");
> TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","A Gaussian distribution",20,-3,3);
> h->FillRandom("gaus",1000);
> h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X-Title");
> h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Title");
> h->Draw();
> TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.6,0.7,0.85,0.8);
> leg->AddEntry(h,"A Gaussian distribution");
> leg->Draw();
> }

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