Hello, I have observed a very peculiar behaviour which I hope someone can help explain. I have a macro that runs like this: { TFile *fFile = new TFile("somefilename"); TTree *fTree = (TTree*) fFile->Get("EventsTree"); TBranch *b_Events=fTree->GetBranch("Event"); THenaEvent *fRaw = new THenaEvent(); //THenaEvent is a custom class written for holding data b_Events->SetAddress(&fRaw); fFile->Close(); delete fFile; delete fRaw; delete b_Events; } The macro runs fine but: 1) How do I get rid of the TTree?? Running delete fTree yields only a segmentation violation. 2) When I afterwards type fFile = new TFile("samefilename") I get a segmentation violation, but running it a *second* time works fine. I am experimenting with all this in order to be able to run a set of analysis macros on a huge amount of files. So far it always hangs when it reaches the second file. Any help would be greatly appreciated. David Lindelof EP-Division CERN 1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland
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