Re: [ROOT] min and max of Y-axis

From: Guillaume Blanc (
Date: Thu Oct 03 2002 - 02:10:30 MEST


Actually this is not the maximum value of the histogram I want, but the
maximum value of the Y axis on the pad, which is about h->GetMaximum() + 10%.
Is there something to get this value precisely?

Or: how to put an second X axis exactly on top on the plot?
TGaxis constructor asks for xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax values... I can get the
xmin, xmax values from h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() and GetXmax(), but I can't
for the ymin,ymax values...

              Guillaume Blanc

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Rene Brun wrote:

> Hi,
> I assume that you want to access the maximum value of a histogram and
> not the maximum value in Y of the pad. If yes, use
>   h->GetMaximum();
> Rene Brun
> On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Guillaume Blanc wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Perhaps this question is obvious, but I would like to get the max value on
> > the Y axis of a TH1F histo. I tried : h->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() but it
> > doesn't work (return a wrong value); note that the equivalent command
> > works for the X axis. And gPad->GetUymax() returns also a
> > wrong value (closer to the one expected, but still wrong)...
> > I just would to add another X axis on top of my plot with a different
> > scale: I need the Y axis max value in order to position it accurately...
> >
> > Well, if anybody has a idea!
> >
> > Thanks for your help,
> >
> >                   Guillaume Blanc
> >

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