Hello, I have some problems adding a fit to data in a graph. The first problem occurs with SetOptFit. If I do not declare: gStyle->SetOptFit(0011); the program calculates the coefficents correctly, but doesn't display the fit on the graph and ends with: *** Break *** segmentation violation The same error occurs when I declare: gStyle->SetOptFit(0000); There has to be at least one "1" among the 4 numbers. With this declaration the fit together with statistics box is automatically drawn in my diagram. Now I want to get rid of the statistics box using SetOptStat and declare e.g.: gStyle->SetOptFit(0011); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); This, however, doesn't prevent ROOT from drawing the statistics box. The interactive Delete option doesn't seem to react either. Even if I write: gr->Fit("pol3","0"); in order not to plot the fit, the statistics box is still drawn. I tried to use TH1::SetStats(kFALSE); at the beginning of the macro, but then the error message appears again. *** Break *** segmentation violation Cold you please suggest a way how to prevent ROOT from drawing the statistics box? (I am working via Exeed with the Linux version.) Thanks and best regards, Steffen
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