[ROOT] Problem with TBrowser

From: Perfetto Francesco (Francesco.Perfetto@na.infn.it)
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 12:09:31 MEST

Hi all,
I have this problem: in my c++ code I have done a tree in which some of
branchs are variables of type TLorentzVector.
  TLorentzVector *p4datrad = new TLorentzVector();
  TLorentzVector *p4dateta = new TLorentzVector();
  TLorentzVector *p4datetasys_pim = new TLorentzVector();
  TLorentzVector *p4datetasys_pip = new TLorentzVector();
  TLorentzVector *p4datetasys_piz = new TLorentzVector();

  TTree *tdat = new TTree("tdat","Tree for resolution");

  tdat->Branch("p4datrad"       ,"TLorentzVector"    ,&p4datrad);
  tdat->Branch("p4dateta"       ,"TLorentzVector"    ,&p4dateta);
  tdat->Branch("p4datetasys_pim","TLorentzVector"    ,&p4datetasys_pim);
  tdat->Branch("p4datetasys_pip","TLorentzVector"    ,&p4datetasys_pip);
  tdat->Branch("p4datetasys_piz","TLorentzVector"    ,&p4datetasys_piz);

  for (Int_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++)
If by cint I do: tdat->Draw("p4dateta.fE") or Draw("p4dateta.fP.fX")
or draw other variables I haven't any problem ( all variables are draw
exactly) but if I want use the TBrowser for draw some of variables of type
TLorentzVector (the sames above) the browser draw always the same
picture (that related at first variable in the code-program "p4datrad")
for all my variables TLorentzVector (my procedure in this case is:
open TBrowser, click on the leaf p4dateta, after click on p4daeta root see
to me 2 leaf "fE and fP" cliking on fE it draw the plot of p4datrad.fE and
so for any variables).

My root version is 3.02/06 and I use a sun enterpise 250.


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