[ROOT] Safely deleting objects being browsed?

From: Conrad Steenberg (conrad@hep.caltech.edu)
Date: Wed Oct 23 2002 - 03:58:24 MEST


I'm trying to browse a TList in a TBrowser, with the list's contents
being possibly dynamic. How do I safely remove the contents of the list
so that the TBrowser(s) get notified of the change and doesn't cause

TFolder *g= gROOT->GetRootFolder()->AddFolder("Test","Test folder");
TList *l=new TList();

This adds the list and makes it browsable. Adding new objects to the
list works fine. Then remove the list:

This doesn't remove the list, and doing
delete l;
has the predictable effect of causing a segfault (when clicking on the
subfolder TList), since there is still a dangling link to the removed
object in the browser somewhere.

Any ideas?



| Conrad Steenberg                        |
| Caltech, Mail Code 356-48               |
| Pasadena, CA, 91125                     |
| e-mail: conrad@hep.caltech.edu          |
| Tel: (626) 395-8758                     |

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