Re: [ROOT] Compiling Root on Local Linux

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 16:46:03 MET

Hi Steffen,

<arch> means one of the options printed by  ./configure --help
eg, you can do
./configure linux

Rene Brun

On Sat, 2 Nov 2002, Steffen Grohmann wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm planning to compile Root on a local linux machine (CERN Linux 7.2.1). I
> have downloaded and unpacked the source files and now want to install. On
> the following installation method is
> proposed:
>   1.. get the sources of latest ROOT (see above)
>   2.. now type the build commands:
>       all shells:
>         ./configure --help
>         ./configure <arch> --prefix=/usr/local [change arch appropriately]
>         gmake                   [or, make -j2, for dual CPU machines]
>         gmake install           [su to root if --prefix points to a system
> dir]
> Could you please tell me the code I have to write for <arch> and in which
> directory these commands have to be written (I suppose in the .../root/
> directory with the source code)? What does "change arch appropriately" mean?
> Thanks, Steffen

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