Re: [ROOT] log scale axis range problem

From: Kate Scholberg (
Date: Mon Nov 04 2002 - 20:43:33 MET

> >
> > I suspect this is a simple problem.  I'm just trying to Draw a simple
> > 1D histogram with a log scale, and I'm having trouble getting a
> > sensible default range of values on the y-axis from the Draw method.  I
> > also don't seem to able to set the axis range by hand with e.g.
> >
> > hist->GetYaxis()->SetRange(min,max);

> //adchithist2->GetYaxis()->SetRange(0.01,10.);
> adchithist2->SetMinimum(0.01);
> adchithist2->SetMaximum(10);
> adchithist2->Draw();
> adchithist2->Print("all");

OK, this works.  But wouldn't it be a more sensible default behavior
to have the axis range automatically set correctly for a log plot?
Shouldn't the histograms know what their minimum and maximum (nonzero) values
are?  Is there a good reason why this doesn't work automatically?

But leaving that aside for the moment, I have another log scale plot
with a scaled histogram that isn't plotting correctly.  The simple
macro example is attached. Root 3.03/06 works but Root 3.03/08 and
beyond (including the latest version from the cvs repository) just
plot nothing at all, although it seems to choose a reasonable y-axis
(in all cases RH Linux 7.3).  It seems to matter what the value used
for scaling actually is. A bug?

Kate Scholberg


void Scaled_hist()

  TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","TRD hit dE");


  Int_t nbin = 200;
  Float_t firstbin = 0.;
  Float_t lastbin = 200.;

  TH1F *detrd = new TH1F("detrd","dE from TRD",nbin,firstbin,lastbin);

  Float_t sum=0.;

  for(int i=0;i<1000;i++){
   sum = Float_t(gRandom->Gaus(0,20));




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