[ROOT] Saving different plots in a single ps file.

From: andrieu@lpnhep.in2p3.fr
Date: Fri Nov 08 2002 - 20:56:56 MET


I'm trying to write several canvases to the same PostScript file using similar 
instructions as in the following example from Root documentation:

   Writing several canvases to the same Postscript file
 if the Postscript file name finishes with "(", the file is not closed
 if the Postscript file name finishes with ")" and the file has been opened
    with "(", the file is closed. Example:
    TCanvas c1("c1");
    c1.Print("c1.ps("); //write canvas and keep the ps file open
    c1.Print("c1.ps"); canvas is added to "c1.ps"
    c1.Print("c1.ps)"); canvas is added to "c1.ps" and ps file is closed

Unfortunately, the last plot doesn't appear on the ps file.

I'm using root 3.03/07 compiled with KCC on Linux machine with Redhat 7.2.

  Bernard Andrieu

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