Re: [ROOT] C structure as a branch?

From: Yiqun Wang (
Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 19:29:35 MET

Thanks guys! I was trying to avoid using class. Guess it is time to grow
over pure C.

Yiqun Wang

> Don't use typedefs, like in your original example, plain structs like
> this should work too (struct is an all public class in c++):
> struct SmdPeak {
>   Float_t peakPos;
>   Float_t peakEnerg;
>   Float_t sigmaPeak;
>   Int_t   corSimuPeak;
>   bool    used;
>   SmdPeak() {}
>   ClassDef (SmdPeak,1)
> };
> -- Fons
> On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 16:25, Rene Brun wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Create classes instead of struct as shown below
>> Rene Brun
>> #include "TTree.h"
>> #include "TFile.h"
>> #include "TRandom.h"
>> class SmdPeak {
>> public:
>>   Float_t peakPos;
>>   Float_t peakEnerg;
>>   Float_t sigmaPeak;
>>   Int_t   corSimuPeak;
>>   bool    used;
>>   SmdPeak() {}
>>   ClassDef (SmdPeak,1)
>> };
>> class FitEvent {
>> public:
>>         UInt_t  runnumber;
>>         Int_t   event;
>>         Int_t   numbXPeaks;
>>         Int_t   numbYPeaks;
>>         Float_t tower[4][3];
>>         Float_t smdX[61];
>>         Float_t smdY[101];
>>         SmdPeak xPeak[4];
>>         ClassDef(FitEvent,1)
>> };
>> void struct2()
>> {
>>    TFile f("struct.root","recreate");
>>    TTree T("T","test struct");
>>    FitEvent *event = new FitEvent;
>>    T.Branch("first","FitEvent",&event);
>>    for (Int_t i=0;i<1000;i++) {
>>       event->event = i;
>>       event->runnumber = (UInt_t)(100*gRandom->Rndm());
>>       //for (Int_t j=0;j<event.count;j++) event.meas[j] = i+j;
>>       T.Fill();
>>    }
>>    T.Print();
>>    T.Show(45);
>>    T.Write();
>> }
>> On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Yiqun Wang wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Is there a way to create a branch that is an array of C structure?
>> The online reference on
>> >
>> > TBranch(const char *name, void *address, const char *leaflist, Int_t
>> basketsize, Int_t compress) :TNamed(name,leaflist)
>> >
>> > only talked about a C structure branch.
>> >
>> > My header file is like this:
>> >
>> >
>> > typedef struct{
>> >   Float_t peakPos;
>> >   Float_t peakEnerg;
>> >   Float_t sigmaPeak;
>> >   Int_t   corSimuPeak;
>> >   bool    used;
>> > } SmdPeak;
>> >
>> > typedef struct{
>> >
>> > 	UInt_t  runnumber;
>> > 	Int_t   event;
>> > 	Int_t   numbXPeaks;
>> > 	Int_t   numbYPeaks;
>> > 	Float_t tower[4][3];
>> > 	Float_t smdX[61];
>> > 	Float_t smdY[101];
>> > 	SmdPeak xPeak[4];
>> > SmdPeak xPeak[4];
>> > } FitEvent;
>> >
>> >
>> >
> --
> Org:    CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics.
> Mail:   1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
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