Hello, I have encontered the following problem: I am reading from the tree an event, which among other branches has one with TClonesArray of the vertices (objects which allocate the memory). I need to reanalize the event, so I have to clean the loaded vertices and create new ones. But if I call TClonesArray::Delete() to clean this array, loading next event produces SegVol. Below I show the simple macros demonstrating the problem. Does anybody know the solution? Thanks in advance, Ruben Shahoyan //_____________________ Sample Macro________________________ void trwr(int nev); void trrd(); void trtest(int nev=20) { // Step 1: Create tree, with the branch of TClonesArray of the objects // allocating memory trwr(nev); // // Step 2: Read the tree, trying to "modify" the TClonesArray trrd(); } //_________________________________________________________ void trwr(int nev) { printf("Generating the tree with %d events\n",nev); char name[100]; Int_t bfsize=32000; Int_t split=2; TClonesArray* fVTVerts = new TClonesArray("TNamed",10); fVTVerts->SetOwner(); // TFile* flout = new TFile("trout.root","RECREATE"); TTree *tree = new TTree("tree","tree"); tree->Branch("mybr","TClonesArray",&fVTVerts,bfsize,split); // for (int iev=0;iev<nev;iev++) { fVTVerts->Delete(); int nv = gRandom->Integer(10)+1; for (int iv=0;iv<nv;iv++) { sprintf(name,"Vtx %d of Ev %d",iv,iev); TNamed* vp = new ((*fVTVerts)[iv]) TNamed(name,name); } tree->Fill(); } tree->Write(); delete tree; flout->Close(); delete flout; delete fVTVerts; } //_________________________________________________________ void trrd() { printf("Reading back the tree\n"); char name[100]; TClonesArray* fVTVerts = new TClonesArray("TNamed",10); fVTVerts->SetOwner(); // TFile* flin = new TFile("trout.root"); TTree *tree = (TTree*)flin->Get("tree"); TBranch* trbr = tree->GetBranch("mybr"); trbr->SetAddress(&fVTVerts); // int nev = tree->GetEntries(); for (int iev=0;iev<nev;iev++) { trbr->GetEntry(iev); printf("\n\nRead Event %d %d\n Old Vertices Are",iev,fVTVerts->GetLast()+1); fVTVerts->Print(); printf("\nNow will call TClonesArray::Delete() and Create new Vertices\n"); //fVTVerts->Clear(); !! Works with Clear, but will lead to memory leak! fVTVerts->Delete(); // Reanalyze event, creating new vertices int nv = gRandom->Integer(5)+1; for (int iv=0;iv<nv;iv++) { sprintf(name,"New Vtx %d of Ev %d",iv,iev); TNamed* vp = new ((*fVTVerts)[iv]) TNamed(name,name); } printf("\nUpdated Event: New Vertices Are:\n"); fVTVerts->Print(); // } delete tree; flin->Close(); delete flin; delete fVTVerts; }
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