Re: [ROOT] problem with TClonesArray

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 07:38:41 MET


This is a restriction of the split mode that I hope to remove very soon.

Rene Brun

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Zhenyu Han wrote:

> Hi,
>     I have a problem about splitting TClonesArray here. I defined a class 
> called TEvent, which is inherited from TObject. In TEvent,there is a 
> pointer member pointing to a TClonesArray of type TMuon, which is my 
> collection of muons.Then I defined another class inherited from TEvent, 
> called TJpsiEvent. I want to store my data in a TTree.I create a TTree with a branch of type TJpsiEvent and 
> set the split level to a large number. But when I looked at the data, I 
> found that the TClonesArray of TMuon doesn't split. I got a single leaf 
> for it. But, if I create a branch of type TEvent, I can get the splitted 
> TMuon. Does anybody know if I could get a splitted TClonesArray when 
> using it in an inherited class?
> Zhenyu Han

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