[ROOT] TChain, TFile and TSystemFile

From: Sebastien Greder (greder@in2p3.fr)
Date: Thu Nov 28 2002 - 17:29:00 MET

Hello Rooters,

I'm currently encountering a strange pb.

I have 2 files : mujet_01_tmbtree.root and mujet_02_tmbtree.root

IF I use a TBrowser() and applying the Dump() method, it looks 
that the first one is a TSystemFile and not a TFile as I expected.

But when instantiating a TFile or adding it in a TChain, I don't get any
message, warning and so on.

So in my prog I chain a list of files with a Tree (TMBTree), the
TSystemFile one owning to this list, and give the corresponding TTree
as an input to my prog unfortenatly this file brings my prog in a crash
(segmentation fault) when trying to get the first event corresp. to the
next file.

So my question is : is it possible to recover this file 

If not, what do you think about protectiong TChain and TFile ?



ps : I'm running under RH 7.2, gcc 2.96, version 03.09
note : one can find the files in : /afs/in2p3.fr/home/g/greder/public/

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