Dear Rene, I've encounter small problem while trying to clone TF1 objects. After user function defenition I'm passing parameters to this new function and everything is works fine. But when I'm cloning this function and passing new parameter to it, newly created function don't get this parameter as if it has ZERO parameters. The problem here is that Cloned object rejects to change parameters of the function. Below I put small example that reproduce this problem. The second function `dedxpf' always has `par[0]==0', i.e. after cloning this TF1 object doesn't chage its parameters. So it is drawn as zero line. ROOT-3.03/09 RH7.2gcc296. Best regards, Stanislav. Double_t func(Double_t*x,Double_t*par) { Float_t massa=par[0]; if(x[0]==0.) return 0.; if(massa==0.) return 0.; Float_t pmp=(massa*massa/(x[0]*x[0])); Float_t beta = 1./TMath::Sqrt(1+pmp); return beta; } void pp(){ TF1 *dedxf = new TF1("dedx",func,0.05,1.,1); TCanvas *cc=new TCanvas("cc","Canvas",600,600); TH2F *hh=new TH2F("hh","HH",50,0.05,1.,50,0,3); TF1* dedxpf = (TF1*)dedxf->Clone(); dedxf->SetParameter(0,0.13957); dedxpf->SetParameter(0,0.93827); hh->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(dedxf); hh->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(dedxpf); hh->FillRandom("gaus"); hh->Draw(); }
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